Living Will
By Geetha Ravichandran
Open the windows wide,
never mind the noise or emissions.
Even the polluting, soulless lights
twisted around trees for a celebration,
or glaring down from lampposts
are welcome to stream in
to rest on the floor beside me.
No hospital beds or hooking me
onto monitors and bags, no tangle of tubes,
no measuring input and output to buy more time.
The expanse of breath
fragrant and free
should take me
wherever I need to go
without support.
Sing, if you must
or play evening ragas.
Even lo-fi music will do.
If you could,
get two peacocks
to perch on the mango tree.
Bring them in for a day,
to feast on all the insects,
reptiles and snakes that infest
the backyard and let them scream
in triumph.

Geetha Ravichandran is a retired IRS officer. She writes a monthly column on contemporary issues for The New Indian Express. Her poetry has been published in various journals, anthologised and featured in The Yearbook of Indian Poetry for four successive years. She has published two collections of poems, Arjavam and The Spell of the Rain Tree.