The Geometry of Words
By Srinivas S
Some words are cylinders.
Historians of every stripe, they
Remember everything; and
Refuse to renounce their memory
Even as it replaces them.
Some words are circles.
Solid citizens of languages, they
Eschew fights; stay calm; and
Allow neither morality nor moods
To bleed into them.
Some words are squares.
Soldiers of the right, they
Accept battles; pursue peace; and
Allow both space and time
To chisel their angles right.
Some words are triangles.
Diplomats par excellence, they
Debate both love and hate; and
Endeavour to unite them
In the spirit of living.
Some words are cubes.
Sorcerers after a fashion, they
Hide their third dimension; and,
Like complex puzzles, purvey
The point of life.
Other words come in other shapes;
And others yet are shapeless…
Between their well-defined cousins
And themselves, though, they represent
Thought’s armies and peacekeepers.