Mixed Tape Memories
By Ronita Chattopadhyay
Do you remember
how obsessed we were
with Hindi film songs?
We loved our mixed tapes
and getting them done
was an adventure too!
Taking the bus, going to
the main market in town
with our carefully curated lists
scribbled on those
lined notebook sheets
and returning home
clutching our treasure.
We would stop and rewind
and forward the songs endlessly
to get all the words right.
There was such pure,
unalloyed joy in all that.
Am I romanticising
our childhood?
They do say nostalgia
is a seductive liar.
So, yes. Maybe I am.
But that is all I have.
Since I am around.
And you are not.

Ronita Chattopadhyay (she/her) finds refuge in words. She also makes a living out of it while supporting not for profit organisations in India. Her poems have appeared in The Hooghly Review, Roi Fainéant Press, Akéwì Magazine, Setu, Rogue Agent Journal, RIC Journal, among others, and anthologies by Querencia Press (Winter Anthology 2024) and Sídhe Press (To Light The Trails. Poems by Women In a Violent World). She lives in West Bengal, India.