Red Rectangles
By Prithvijeet Sinha
I was showing my
little bird
a swooning
rectangle of light
coming from the window;
it made a perfect shape
as it touched the bedroom tile.
That serenity
couldn't thrive for long.
was touching the same space on the tiles,
bloodying my palms
with the bullets that
had pierced the
light of this day.
I was gutless
within minutes.
My bird hasn't been fed
or let out of the cage
during the city's fall.
He has been looking
at my corpse
for two weeks
is my birthday.

Prithvijeet Sinha, is a proud resident of the cultural epicenter that is Lucknow. His prolific published credits encompass poetry, musings on the city, cinema, anthologies, journals comprising national and international repertoire as well as a blog. His life-force resides in writing, in the art of self-expression.