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A Blessing
By Oscar Houck

Is it wrong to wish
Mary Oliver had been my mother?
Is that a sacrilege of some kind?
Probably, and for more than one reason.


If attention is the purest form of love,
maybe acceptance of our lives,
the parts we cannot control,
is grace.


What would my own mother think?
She was honest and kind
and so often sad and dark.
I was never abused,
but abandoned.
For a time, when I was a small boy,
she was unable to love me.
She wrote me a letter on my thirty-fifth birthday.
to apologize.


Mary Oliver’s childhood was a dark place too.
We both went outside
to walk in the woods,
and that became our home.
Because the cliche is true.
Home is where the heart is.


Once, much later in life,
walking home from the river
at twilight, an owl
seemingly fell from the sky.
It nearly brushed the hand I held up
to protect my face.
It came that close.


It's descent though,
was so graceful,
full of grace,
and silent.
Wings filled with nothing
but silence.


And I thought, in the instant the owl soared away,
this it was the answer to a prayer
I made often back then.


Let me simply let go
into the mystery.


The answer was just being there
to see it,
to feel that presence brush past.


A song of praise rose within me,
with the owl,
as it disappeared into the dusk blue of the coming night,


Only the earth and the sky, and the light
And even that,
a comfort.

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