Five Years
By Mitra Samal
They tell me that five years is a long
stretch of time, but it just seems like
a road trip I took yesterday,
The moments crashing down
like falling trees,
plummeting swiftly along my
memory lane.
The sun has come out, its beams
unfurling in the blue sky,
The blueness that the sea reflects.
That doesn’t erase the dark nights
I have known when the ship of love sank
in the swirling depths of the ruthless sea.
The light doesn’t prove that there weren’t
any wolf-shaped clouds that unleashed
their storms upon our fragile world.
Forgetting the past doesn’t mend the
wounds, and vague recollection doesn’t
offer any solace.
I have confronted my demons time and
again, each encounter leaves me a
little stronger than before.
Five years may not feel overly long,
but it’s enough time to ponder the pain.
The scars may not fade but the wounds
have healed and maybe, just maybe,
I will get used to the traces left behind.
Who knows? Five more years from now,
they may even begin to humour me!

Mitra Samal is a Poet, Writer, and IT Consultant currently living in Bhubaneswar, India. Her works including poems, short stories, and reviews have been published in about twenty five literary journals. She is also an avid reader and a Toastmaster who loves to speak her heart out.