Ekphrastic Poems

After Phoebe Wahl’s painting “Summer”
By Karen Quickley
It’s August and
Somewhere there
Are sunflowers
Smiling back
At the sun.
You’re as tall as
The ones here.
They are becoming,
And you bring out
Their natural beauty
In return.
Somewhere someone
Has cancer today.
But look at our
Toddler son reaching out
To touch these petals.
I’m very happy in this
Quaint sun hat. This
Is me in my most
Natural state. My
Face, like the
Sunflowers, was made
For the gloriously
Warm way the sun
Watches us.
Our daughter’s
Showing me red
Fruit she’s picked.
She’s grown already
Since the spring.
Upright hollyhocks,
Fully grown lettuce,
A proud yellow
Watering can.
How I’d love
For summer to
Not escape me.
How I’d love to
Wear my hair in
Braids and clothe
Myself in dresses
Each day.
I was meant to be
Soft like this. Let
Me sit here for a
Moment, while the
Sun is the reflection
Of the love in me.
My sun is my
Own heart. My
Sun is you
And me.

This is Love
After an image in Phoebe Wahl’s picture book “The Blue House”
By Karen Quickley
Here, you’re with
Me while I’m taking
My bath, a vining
Houseplant overhead.
You’re seated on
The closed toilet
Like it’s a living
Room chair. You’re
Reading to me
From your favorite
Book as I push
This toy boat on
Top of the bath water.
It’s winter out there,
But in here we’ve
Got a radiator heater.
Cats are always
Curious about bathtubs.
Never mind that
Dirty laundry. Right
Now I just hear your
Velvet voice, my lower
Body embraced by
Warm water. I’m
Glad you are
Perfect for me.

After Phoebe Wahl’s painting “Night Lullaby”
By Karen Quickley
Come to me
Just like this:
Close to midnight,
Puffy glooms of
Night clouds giving
Way to the rich
Black-blue jeweled
Sky behind them.
Darkness can take
Me over—I’m fragile
Like that. Kiss me
Like this, please,
In spite of my fractures.
I’ve always loved
Red dresses and
This time of night.
I didn’t expect
You or this.
Surprise! There’s a
Man in my moon
Now, man in my

Karen Quickley is an emerging American poet and writer. Her work has been featured in numerous print and online publications. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and reads poetry submissions for Parakeet Magazine. She and her two favorite pussycats make their home in northern Indiana. More at karenquickley.net